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What's New

CLEO's new research takes a look at effective formats and delivery channels for reaching low-income and disadvantaged communities with information about their legal rights.

CLEO Resources and Publications

CLEO produces clear, accurate, and practical legal information to help people understand and exercise their legal rights.

We work with community partners across the province to reach tenants facing eviction, employees who have been fired or laid off, separating parents who need to know about custody and access, and others who face barriers to accessing the justice system for reasons such as low income, language, or literacy.

We invite you to read or print our information from this website, or order our pamphlets free of charge.

Do you know a woman who is being abused? A Legal Rights Handbook

New edition now available! Do you know a woman who is being abused? A Legal Rights Handbook. Practical information on legal issues faced by women in abusive relationships.

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New ASL resources

CLEO is pleased to announce that Disability benefits in Ontario: Who can get them, How to apply and Need welfare? How to apply to Ontario Works for assistance are now available in American Sign Language. Click here for all our ASL resources.

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CLEO Centre for Research & Innovation

Building capacity through research and innovative projects, including the legal information training initiative known as Connecting Communities.

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PLE Learning Exchange Ontario

A network that supports organizations across Ontario in developing and delivering effective public legal education (PLE) to their communities.

Visit PLE Learning Exchange
Refugee Rights in Ontario

A website for front-line workers and advocates who work with refugee claimants.

Visit Refugee Rights
Your Legal Rights

Free legal information on a wide range of topics, in a variety of languages, produced by hundreds of organizations across the province.

Visit Your Legal Rights